Friday, September 28, 2007

trip accomplishments

visited the places i grew up in and my grandma after 7 years or so.(made me happy to remember my childhood and sad to see how things have changed)
left the country after 3 years or so.(things are different out there. things are better. or at least they seem to be)
am rezistat fara comp, tel, radio or any kind of external entertainment for 3 days or so in the middle of the mountains. ( it was easier than i expected)
i befriended a hourse. i lured him with apples. (ive always wanted to do that!)
i got together with relatives i hadnt seen in years or hadnt seen at all.(its good to know to have them, even if they r far away)
i drove a mercedes.( not for long, but enough to love it)
i actually didnt care i had ei cell phone with me. (its not that necessary)
oh and i almost forgot...i saw ei squirell!

Friday, September 7, 2007

i got it and its got me

au trecut 5 ani. 5 ani decand am ajuns in bucuresti. tin minte prima data cand am calcat in romana. eram la stop si erau atatia oameni, incat nu stiam ce sa fac. sa stau pe loc sau sa ma misc. mam miscat intrun final. acum dupa 5 ani de stat in bucuresti in care sa zicem am stat efectiv cam 6 luni pe an, realizez ca im sort of part of it.
descopar involuntar ca i miss it when im not there, ca im happy when i go back. its my city now.
aud multi oameni spunand "nu suport galagia, aglomeratia, traficul, poluarea". fuck it. compenseaza prin atatea. its got the old streets, its got the old buidings, its got all the lil special places waiting to be discovered, its got history.
nothin compares to sittin on the stairs, listenin to some good music , lookin at the people passin by and relaxin.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

a e curent.

oricat as incerca nu reusesc sa inteleg persoanele care stau la macul din pasaj de la universitate. first of all, e curent. second its dark and grey and sad. third se perinda tot soiu de aurolaci si dubiosi peacolo. forth e urat. nuti ofera nici un punct bun. e mac de care eu una nu prea consum, except icecream. nu e muzica sau ceva. nu e amplasare misto. nu e vedere misto. nu e lume misto. sooo i honestly find no pluses. so why i jesuss name would u want to spend any time there?

Monday, September 3, 2007 ploua...

i like 13 and i like 3. i hate even numbers. i hate 2 and i hate 4. nush de ce da numi plac. numi plac nici zilele pare. pare pentru ca suna a pare nu pentru ca sunt neparat. marti, joi, sambata, duminica. toate suna par. imi plac luni,miercuri si vineri.
azi e luni. si e 3. but im 24.